A pinched nerve is a medical term used to describe the compression of a single nerve or group of nerves. When too much pressure is applied to the nerve by surrounding bones, tissue, cartilage, or muscle, the nerve(s) will become impinged, which disrupts nerve function and can lead to chronic or acute pain, weakness, numbness and tingling.

The body’s nerves are most vulnerable at places where they travel through narrow spaces. As a result, nerve compression often occurs when the nerve is pressed between ligament, bone, and tendons. Although a pinched nerve may not be a life-threatening issue, it can cause pain and other symptoms that affect a patient’s everyday life.

Though pinched nerves can occur anywhere throughout the body, they are most common in the back. The nerves in the spinal cord travel through the foramina, small openings between the vertebrae through which spinal nerve roots exit to other parts of the body. These small openings can become obstructed and pinch the nerves. Most cases of pinched nerves appear in the lower back.

There can be a wide variety of conditions and actions of pinched nerve causes. Some of the most common causes include:

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