The Bonati Spine Institute Blog

17 05, 2018

Back to Life: Dr. Stephanie’s Story

2020-07-15T14:43:09-04:00May 17th, 2018| After a fusion surgery, many  lose the ability to move the spine at the place where the procedure was done. This “locking” of the spine’s segment invariably forces adjacent parts of the spine to compensate and try to keep the spine flexible. Unfortunately, this stresses and overloads those upper and lower vertebrae, forcing the intervertebral discs [...]

15 05, 2018

Do I Have Bone Spurs?

2020-07-15T14:45:28-04:00May 15th, 2018|

What Exactly Are Bone Spurs? Bone spurs, or osteophytes, are small projections or enlargements of bone that grow on the skeletal body.  Bone spurs often arise from osteoarthritis and may also develop as a result of general aging and different spinal conditions. Symptoms Bone spurs themselves are not painful. However, when they rub against nearby nerves [...]

1 05, 2018

How Are The Bonati Spine Procedures Different From Other Spine Surgeries?

2021-05-10T11:05:33-04:00May 1st, 2018|

To begin with, the Bonati Spine Procedures are significantly less invasive than other types of spine surgeries, like fusions and other open-spine surgeries. They were created and perfected by orthopaedic surgeon and Bonati Spine Institute founder Alfred O. Bonati and utilize patented instruments and methods, solely performed by surgeons trained exclusively by Dr. Bonati. In other words, no other [...]

14 04, 2018

A Case Against Fusion #6

2021-05-10T11:05:33-04:00April 14th, 2018|

A new study published in the March 1, 2018 issue of the medical journal Spine determined the readmission rates and predictors of readmission after posterior cervical fusion (PCF). Data was collected from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database from a total of 3,401 patients from 2006 to 2013. A multi-level fusion [...]

6 04, 2018

Back to Life: John M’s Story

2021-01-05T16:51:52-04:00April 6th, 2018| We visit with John over 20 years after his Bonati Spine Procedures. He explains how we was injured and describes how he's still feeling great more than two decades after he visited the Bonati Spine Institute. Watch John's story of recovery above and if you too are looking for pain relief, allow the [...]

17 03, 2018

Do I Have Sciatica? Symptoms of Sciatica

2021-07-12T14:37:20-04:00March 17th, 2018|

What exactly is sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the human body; it runs from each side of the lower spine through deep in the buttock into the back of the thigh and all the way down to the foot. It serves a vital role in connecting the spinal cord with [...]

9 03, 2018

Back to Life: Jeanie’s Story

2019-04-08T16:05:08-04:00March 9th, 2018| Jeanie was a very active mother and grandmother until a car accident in 2014 changed her life, and her relationship with her family.  She had an invasive surgery from another facility, but when her pain didn't go away doctors tried a bone stimulator. After living with this chronic, unresolved pain for almost two [...]

2 03, 2018

Bonati Spine Institute Named Finalist in 2018 Health Value Awards

2020-07-15T14:53:23-04:00March 2nd, 2018|

Hudson, Florida (February 21, 2018) World Congress, The Health Rosetta Institute and The Validation Institute announced The Bonati Spine Institute as a finalist in the ‘Direct Care Provider’ validated categories for the 2018 Health Value Awards (HVA). More than 350 health care organizations and employers were nominated in 13 categories. Finalists in validated categories - Third Party Administrators, Direct [...]

26 02, 2018

Whiplash Symptoms Can Be Hard To Understand

2021-05-10T11:05:33-04:00February 26th, 2018|

This article is excerpted from's article titled, "Whiplash Symptoms May Be Hard for Others to Understand" written by Zinovy Meyler, DO on January 24, 2018. A whiplash injury occurs when the head and neck (cervical spine) unexpectedly get whipped back and forth. In today’s world, this injury most commonly happens when hit from behind [...]

21 02, 2018

What’s the Link Between Rainfall and Back/Joint Pain?

2020-07-15T14:56:06-04:00February 21st, 2018|

An observational study in the BMJ  (formerly the British Medical Journal) assessed whether a relationship exists between the proportion of claims for joint or back pain and the number of rainy days in the week of the outpatient visit. Researchers analyzed U.S. Medicare insurance claims data linked to rainfall data from U.S. weather stations. The study surveyed data from [...]

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