The Bonati Spine Institute Blog

21 05, 2020

Sleep Positions And Back Pain

2021-05-10T11:05:25-04:00May 21st, 2020|

Do you have trouble sleeping at night due to back pain? This blog is excerpted from Everyday Health, originally written by Diana Rodriguez, medically review by Meeta Shah, MD, on December 20, 2016. Back pain can make it tough to get a good night's sleep. At the same time, how you sleep may make things worse — [...]

14 05, 2020

CNN Health: 5 exercises to offset too much sitting

2021-05-10T11:05:25-04:00May 14th, 2020|

The below blog is excerpted from CNN Health, originally written on May 12, 2020, by Dana Santas. Prolonged sitting is an unavoidable reality for many. And with lots of us spending more time inside, as the pandemic continues, it's inevitable that we're spending even more time being sedentary. The irony is that we're staying home [...]

7 05, 2020

Spine Anatomy 101: Cervical Spine

2021-05-10T11:05:26-04:00May 7th, 2020|

If you've clicked here on our Bonati Blog, you probably know that we are an ambulatory spinal surgery center, treating guests with conditions of the spine. The Bonati Spine Procedures can treat conditions in all areas of the spine. The three spinal sections include the: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. We thought we'd take an opportunity [...]

29 04, 2020

Back to Life: Patrick’s Story

2023-03-17T13:22:59-04:00April 29th, 2020| Herniated Disc Surgery Recovery-Patrick had been hurting from low back pain for a few years, but when his pain escalated essentially overnight, it radiated down into his legs and became unbearable. His wife, Marla, took him to the emergency room, but Patrick was sent away with just pain medications. Frustrated that Patrick could [...]

23 04, 2020

Spinal cord injury could increase risk for mental health disorders

2021-05-10T11:05:26-04:00April 23rd, 2020|

Researchers from Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan released a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, that find adults with spinal cord injury are at a higher risk of developing mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety, compared to adults without the condition. This blog is excerpted from Science Daily, published April 22, 2020. The [...]

15 04, 2020

Maintaining Spine Health While Staying (and Working) at Home

2021-05-10T11:05:26-04:00April 15th, 2020|

COVID-19 has changed our way of life for the last month, and could potentially change our lives for the foreseeable future.  We are still open and treating guests with our patented Bonati Spine Procedures to help those in chronic and/or acute spine pain, but there are ways to minimize symptoms at home. The blog is [...]

9 04, 2020

Understanding Inflammation

2021-05-10T11:05:26-04:00April 9th, 2020|

This blog is excerpted from Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School. The familiar sensations of pain, redness, swelling, and heat that result from an injury or infection are hallmarks of the inflammatory process. Inflammation represents an essential survival mechanism that helps the body fight off hostile microbes and repair damaged tissue. How Does Inflammation Happen? [...]

1 04, 2020

Back to Life: Monica’s Story

2023-03-17T13:27:25-04:00April 1st, 2020| Thoracic spine surgery testimonial- Monica's spinal issues began when she was just a teenager, when the first of many accidents caused her tremendous pain in the cervical and thoracic spine. Another car accident left her with debilitating whiplash.  Years later, she was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and fibromyalgia. She suffered with this pain [...]

26 03, 2020

American Medicine Today

2021-09-07T14:35:09-04:00March 26th, 2020|

Did you know Dr. Bonati, and the Bonati Spine Institute, produces the American Medicine Today radio and television programs!? Show hosts from left to right: Dr. Alfred Bonati, Kimberly Bermel Bonati and Ethan Youker Featuring cutting edge science and medical innovation, touching personal stories from recovery of pain, along with political, social, and healthcare issues [...]

20 03, 2020

Coronavirus update

2021-05-10T11:05:26-04:00March 20th, 2020|

*Bonati Spine Institute notice regarding COVID-19* At the Bonati Spine Institute, we value the health and safety of our patients and staff alike. As such, we have taken the following steps to continue to provide high quality care, address any concerns regarding the COVID-19, and protect all the patients coming to our facility. The Bonati [...]

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