The Bonati Spine Institute Blog

29 07, 2020

One-Sided Back Pain?

2021-05-10T11:05:22-04:00July 29th, 2020|

The blog is excerpted from the Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials article, originally written February 21, 2020. Back pain is common: 80% of adults will experience it in their lifetime. Usually, people think of all-over back pain, but one-sided back pain is also very common. “Unless you experienced an obvious cause, like a fall, you probably [...]

23 07, 2020

Back to Life: Michael B.’s Story

2023-03-16T16:47:08-04:00July 23rd, 2020| Low back surgery patient testimonial- United States Army veteran Michael B.'s back pain started while on active duty in 2004.  His pain stemmed from  a herniated disc at the L5/S1 level of the lumbar spine.  This caused excruciating, shooting pain down his right leg. A condition known as radiculitis or more commonly [...]

16 07, 2020

Road Tripping For Your Spine Health

2021-05-10T11:05:22-04:00July 16th, 2020|

This blog is excerpted from a U.S. News & World Report article by Neel Anand, M.D., on July 15, 2020. With parts of the U.S. still under various forms of public restriction during the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are forgoing air, boat or train travel plans and hitting the open road. Indeed, motor home sales and rentals [...]

9 07, 2020

Common Low Back Workout Injuries — and How to Prevent Them

2021-05-10T11:05:22-04:00July 9th, 2020|

This blog is excerpted from an NBC News Better article from December 18, 2019 by Stephanie Mansour. Even if exercise is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health, there's still a risk of injury. It may be a simple pulled muscle or soreness that requires rest, while other more serious injuries can [...]

2 07, 2020

Harvard Medical School: How To Perfect Walking

2020-07-13T16:24:28-04:00July 2nd, 2020|

Walking. This is the number one physical activity we recommend our guests do to aid in recovery after having the Bonati Spine Procedures. It's something we recommend everyone do, all the time. Though walking may seem simply, there are ways one can maximize their walking exercise to gain the most benefit. The following tips are [...]

25 06, 2020

Back to Life: Robert’s Story

2023-03-17T13:13:23-04:00June 25th, 2020| Degenerative Disc Disease Patient Experience- Robert had been suffering from degenerative disc disease and  spinal stenosis for the last 15 years. As with many suffering from these conditions, his pain progressed over time. About five years ago the became became moderate, and about one year ago his pain became severe. He was [...]

18 06, 2020

Spine Anatomy 101: Thoracic Spine

2021-05-10T11:05:23-04:00June 18th, 2020|

If you've clicked here on our Bonati Blog, you probably know that we are an ambulatory spinal surgery center, treating guests with conditions of the spine. The Bonati Spine Procedures can treat conditions in all areas of the spine. The three spinal sections include the: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. We thought we'd take an opportunity [...]

10 06, 2020

Becker’s Spine Review: 4 ways COVID-19 could affect spine and healthcare

2021-05-10T11:05:25-04:00June 10th, 2020|

This blog is excerpted from a Becker's Spine Review article by Laura Dyrda on April 13, 2020. Across the nation, non-essential businesses have closed or transitioned to remote work while hospitals and surgical centers have canceled elective procedures to avoid further spreading the coronavirus and devote resources to treating COVID-19 patients. The federal government is [...]

4 06, 2020

Harvard Medical School: Sciatica home remedies and self-care

2022-05-10T11:52:10-04:00June 4th, 2020|

This blog is excerpted from Harvard Medical School's Harvard Healthbeat publication. Regardless of the cause, about 90% of people with sciatica can get better in just a few weeks. You can start treating your sciatica at home. Cold and heat Both ice packs and heat can be used to get sciatica pain relief and help [...]

28 05, 2020

Back to Life: Ed’s Story

2023-03-17T13:17:46-04:00May 28th, 2020| Lumbar spine surgery experience- Ed (or Eddie as we like to call him) had pain that stemmed from his lower back and would travel into his buttock, right leg and ankle. He found it increasingly difficult to walk.  Eddie tried a variety of treatment options to solve his pain before surgery, including physical [...]

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