Spencer’s bulging disc surgery story is a complex one. Spencer is a returning guest of the Bonati Spine Institute as he has had several different injuries over the years.

Spencer’s pain initially began in 2005 after falling from a hunting ladder. He fractured his spine in multiple places resulting in pain from the low back shooting down into his legs. The pain was so severe it traveled into his feet, causing them to curl and cup, and have spasms constantly.  Over the counter medications failed, forcing Spencer to use harsh prescription pain pills. He tried many conservative treatments, including chiropractic care, physical therapy, epidural injections and nerve ablations. When these treatments didn’t help, he decided it was time for bulging disc surgery.

Spencer discovered the Bonati Spine Institute from a friend who posted a link on her Facebook page, and after making the initial contact, Dr. Bonati personally called him back. In May 2018, Spencer had three Bonati Spine Procedures on his lumbar spine. “As soon as I came out of surgery and I was in recovery, I could move my toes and my feet…. I broke down and started crying because I’d figured I’d never feel my feet again.”

In August 2020, he began having a lot of tingling and numbness in his fingertips, specifically his right hand. After getting an MRI of his neck, or cervical spine, and sending it the Institute, Spencer was diagnosed with bulging discs from C2 to C7. At this time, his pain was so severe, it felt like he was having lightning strikes in his body. Despite being told repeatedly by doctors in his home state nothing can be done for him, Spencer contacted the Bonati Spine Institute again. This time, he had two surgeries for cervical bulging discs in August 2020 and January 2021. Spencer is living proof that Bonati Succeeds where Others Fail.

“I cried like a baby because of the pain relief I was out of when everybody else was telling me I was going to be in pain pills all my life. I didn’t want do that. I want to enjoy life. I want to be back on the water. I want to be hunting. I want to spend time with my wife.  And Dr. Bonati delivered hands down. And it has been emotional for me ever since. I love everybody in this office because they look at you like family. They check on you and they take care of you… And I’ve been to a lot of hospitals for my mom and dad over the years. There’s nothing that touches what I’ve seen out of this group,” Spencer said.

Watch Spencer’s full story of recovery from bulging disc surgery and if you would like for us to take a look at your case to verify if our patented Bonati Spine Procedures can help you, please call us at 855-267-0482 and an advocate will be happy to help you or complete our online contact form here and we’ll be in touch with you at your convenience.